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How does Pinoy Tiangge works?

How does bidding site like Pinoy Tiangge works?

After registration of your account, the following things will happen:

  1. The item starts at a price of 1 peso
  2. Buy bids or use your free bids
  3. Find an item you like and place a bid
  4. The price of the item goes up by 1 Centavo (0.01 peso)
  5. The timer resets itself to allow other users to place a bid; similar to a physical auction where the host yells: “Going Once, Going Twice… Sold!”
  6. You are now the highest bidder. If you’re on top when the timer runs out, and nobody else places a bid after you, you win the auction!
  7. You pay for the final auction price (e.g. 1.50 = One Peso and Fifty Centavos) including the minimum shipping fee.

For complete information, visit: Pinoy Tiangge: Frequently Asked Questions